Friday, June 27, 2008

Can not see Reporting Service in SCOM 2007 Administration on left pane

After installing/reinstalling SQL 2005 and SCOM 2007 I still didn't see SCOM 2007 reporting module on left pane under Administration.

After lots of research and tweek I found out best way to have Remote SQL 2005 and SCOM 2007 configure is below

SQL 2005:
SQL 2005 Database services
OperationsManagerDW database
ReportServer database
ReportServerTempDB database

SCOM 2007:
SQL 2005 reporting services instance
Operations Manager Reporting install

mount the remote system using smbfs OR How to mount remote windows partition (windows share) under Linux

Procedure to mount remote windows partition

1) One need to have below required info before proceeding further:
a. Windows privilages to access share name
b. Sharename (i.e //server/share) or IP address of sharename server
c. Root level access on Linux (i.e root)

2) Login to Linux as a root user

3) Create the required mount point under mnt/:
# mkdir -p /mnt/Windows_mount_share_name)
Use the mount command as follows:
# mount -t cifs //ntserver/download -o

4) Access Windows 2003/2000/NT share using cd and ls command:# cd /mnt/ntsharename;
ls -l